Monday, June 30, 2014

USA unites across FIFA platforms

World Cup fever in the USA continues to run wild with everyone from Rihanna tweeting during key matches to Robert de Niro reportedly gate-crashing a stranger's party to watch the USA-Germany game at the end of the group stage. 

It's not just in the celebrity circles that the World Cup is finding a voice either. On FIFA's digital platforms over 20 per cent of the total audience is made up of fans from the USA. 

USA’s World Cup fans on FIFA's digital platforms are growing faster than the global FIFA audience. Currently 161 million people have digitally engaged with FIFA from 1 June, with 36 million of them coming from the US, representing 22 per cent of the audience. 

The share continues into mobile, too. While 25 million people downloaded the FIFA World Cup app, 5.3 million of those downloads were from the US, representing 22.7 per cent of the audience. The USA is now the No1 country for the FIFA World Cup App. 

With many more devices for football fans to connect with the World Cup since 2010 it was bound to have a positive impact on growth. From 2010 - 2014, the four years since the last FIFA World Cup, the global audience across FDPs has grown by 174 per cent but it is visitors from the US which has grown the most dramatically at over 200 per cent. 

To put the extent of USA's dedication to the tournament into context, fans from the USA have spent a total of 847 years and 143 days engaged with FIFA digital content since 1 June.
The USA spends more time engaged with FIFA content than nearest rivals Brazil, Germany, England and France put together. On the day that USA played Germany almost 68 years were spent on the official World Cup website and app. 

It's not just on FIFA's native digital platforms that the US is making its presence known. Over the last 28 days, 38 million fans from the US, have interacted with FIFA on Facebook and currently accounts for 10 per cent of FIFA's total Facebook audience. After last night's record 16 million tweets during the Brazil v Chile game all eyes are on the USA - Belgium game on Tuesday.

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